6ml blood sample | Or Saliva Collection (In Clinic only) | USA Laboratory | results in 3-4 weeks |Conducted in Mong Kok or Wan Chai center

Genetic Carrier Test


Genetic Carrier Test


There are 20% of major health problems related to inheritance!
The majority of disease caused by inheritance are serious disease!

Target group

  • Pre-marriage check up

  • Planning for a baby

  • Have family history of inheritance diseases

  • Preparing for artificial assisted reproduction

If children can inherit the excellent genes from their parents, it is certainly worthy of joy, but if the parents have inherited disease recessive genes and do not know it, they may be passed on to the next generation. Compared with the probability of Down syndrome, the incidence of genetic recessive diseases is higher. The most common genetic recessive diseases in Hong Kong are thalassemia, deafness, fragile X syndrome, and spinal muscular atrophy. Gene testing technology is popular, 400+ / 600+ genetic recessive disease genes can be detected by drawing blood, so that the health of the next generation can be more protected.

What does a genetic test tell you?

To let you know the risk of genetic inheritance that may cause certain diseases in your baby

  • If both of you and your partner are not a carrier, your child likely not be inherit the disease

  • If you are the carrier but your partner is not (or vice versa), your child likely not be inherit the disease

  • If both of you and your partner are carriers, your child will have 25% of chance inherited with the disease

Although this genetics test can help you understand more about your health history and your chance of having a healthy pregnancy and baby, the result is not absolute.

Common genetic recessive disease in Hong Kong

Fava bean disease (G6PD)

Only for female customers; G6PD is a chromosome X disease

A relatively common genetic disease in Hong Kong, 50 out of 1,000 newborn boys suffer from fava bean disease, and 4 per 1,000 female infants suffer from this genetic disease. If the fetal genetic fava bean disease can be detected early, we can plan for the future early

Thalassemia A and B

About 12% of parents in Hong Kong carry the thalassemia gene. In severe cases, the fetus will not survive. Such mothers will have an increased risk of high blood pressure and massive bleeding in the later stages of pregnancy. If fetal genetic thalassemia can be detected early, the future can be planned early. Patients with thalassemia b also require life-long blood transfusions after birth, and some parents may choose to stop pregnancy before

Fragile X syndrome

Intellectual retardation and autism

Deafness (GJB2)

One of the most common causes of birth defects in newborn babies. According to research statistics, about one in five hundred newborn babies has hearing impairment

Spinal muscular atrophy

Motor neurons degenerate, causing muscle atrophy, weakness, and ultimately death

Cystic fibrosis

The lungs and pancreas are affected, and the patient needs long-term treatment or lung transplantation

Pompe disease

The patient’s body cannot decompose glycogen, which can cause muscle weakness, enlarged heart, etc. Newborn babies suffer from this disease and generally live less than 1 to 2 years old.

Primary Panel (400+)...more

Primary Panel (600+)...more

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Positive genetic test report (sample)


Negative genetic test report (sample)


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    Step 1Online registration / Phone call

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    Step 2Provide you Name, Phone, Date of Birth, Collection date and time

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    Step 3Online Payment and Cash on site

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