6ml blood sample | Or Saliva Collection (In Clinic only) | USA Laboratory | Results in 3-4 weeks
Thalassemia A and B/Fragile X syndrome/Intellectual retardation and autism/Deaf/Myelogenous muscular atrophy/Cystic fibrosis/Pompe disease
To let you know the risk of genetic inheritance that may cause certain diseases in your baby
If both of you and your partner are not a carrier, your child likely not be inherit the disease
If you are the carrier but your partner is not (or vice versa), your child likely not be inherit the disease
If both of you and your partner are carriers, your child will have 25% of chance inherited with the disease
Although this genetics test can help you understand more about your health history and your chance of having a healthy pregnancy and baby, the result is not absolute
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5 ml blood sample | USA Laboratory | Results in 2-4 weeks | Conducted in Mong Kok or Wan Chai centre
Breast and gynecology (breast, ovarian, uterine)
Gastrointestinal (colorectal, gastric, pancreatic)
Endocrine (thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary)
Genitourinary (renal/urinary tract, prostate)
Skin (melanoma, basal cell carcinoma)
Brain/nervous system
Positive result = higher risk of having cancer in later stages
Genetic testing can help treatment decisions
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5ml blood sample | Result in 2-4 weeks |Conducted in Mong Kok or Wan Chai center
According to the statistics from Hong Kong Cancer Registry under Hospital Authority (HA) in 2021, there were over 35000 new cancer cases in Hong Kong in 2019, meaning that 96 people were diagnosed of cancer per day.
Brca gene testing is performed to predict the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Mutations in the Brca gene increase the risk of breast cancer or ovarian cancer.
What does a genetic test tell you?
Before you decide to proceed with genetic testing, we want you to have an understanding of the possible test result you may receive. You are advice to discuss with your doctors before you decided to proceed the genetic tests ... more
孩子健康成長,是父母們的必然願望,但計劃生育的你和妳,是否擔心帶有 遺傳隱性疾病基因,令下一代有機會患上「罕見疾病」,對健康構成嚴重及長期的威脅?
Learn more生唔生到BB,仿佛成為計畫生育的夫婦,最頭號關心的一大問題,究竟係男方的精子有問題,還是女方的卵巢早衰,影響成孕機會,使夫婦們費煞思量。
更多Step 1Online registration / Phone call
Step 2Provide you Name, Phone, Date of Birth, Collection date and time
Step 3Online Payment and Cash on site